Managing Your Monthly Donations in the John Jay Institute Donor Portal:

  1. Go to

  2. Click Register as a new user at the bottom.

  3. Type your full name and type the email address at which you receive John Jay Institute emails (email or text Rachel at or 303-549-0192 if you are not sure what address that is). It is important to use the email address that your donation is tied to.

  4. Create a password and type it twice.

  5. Click Register.

  6. This should bring you to a place where you see your recurring gift listed, followed by your Gift History. If you do not see your recurring gift listed, email

To change your monthly gift amount, you must Cancel
your current recurring gift and create a new one.

To cancel your existing recurring gift:

  1. Click Edit.

  2. At the bottom, click I need to end my recurring gift.

  3. Click End Recurring Gift.

To setup your new recurring gift:

  1. Click Setup a Recurring Gift.

  2. Choose (or add) your Payment Method.

  3. Choose your Donation Amount.

  4. Check Make Recurring Gift.

  5. Clicking Donor Pays Costs will increase your gift by the fee we are charged for processing (which is 2.9%).

  6. Enter (or update) your contact information.

  7. Click Submit.

To add a one-time gift on top of your existing monthly donation:

  1. Click Give a Gift.

  2. Choose (or add) your Payment Method.

  3. Choose your Donation Amount.

  4. Clicking Donor Pays Costs will increase your gift by the fee we are charged for processing (which is 2.9%).

  5. Enter (or update) your contact information.

  6. Click Submit.

If you run into any issues during this process, please email, call or text Rachel at or 303-549-0192.