John Jay Fellows Program

Start Your Application

The John Jay Fellows Program is multidisciplinary in scope and college graduates of all academic disciplines are welcome to apply. Applicants currently compete for available seats for spring and fall terms. Criteria for selection are based upon the applicant's Christian commitment, articulated calling to public life, leadership potential, scholastic aptitude, and teachable disposition. Candidates for the Fellowship should be well-rounded in general knowledge and experience and capable in oral and written communication. They must have completed a bachelors degree by the time of their enrollment, as well as maintained a cumulative 3.0 or better (on a 4.0 scale) grade point average. Applicants must be younger than 30 years old.

Please submit the application form and all required materials, including three confidential letters of recommendation, by the application deadline.

If you would like to express interest in the John Jay Fellowship Program for a future semester, you may fill out the form below.