Thank you for your support through the purchase of one or more custom JJI ties.
For each tie that you purchase, the Institute will earn approximately $20.

  • Ties are 100% silk. Both are standard tie sizes.

  • The image printed on the tie is the John Jay family crest. The label inside the tie includes the John Jay Institute logo.

  • Neither tie is pre-tied; you tie them yourself.

  • John Jay’s cost to create the tie, process your payment, and ship to you is approximately $30.

  • We are charging $50 for each tie, which means the Institute will receive $20 for each tie that you purchase.

  • We are processing these purchases as donations. Therefore, due to tax laws, you will only receive a tax credit for the base cost of the tie, which is $25. A tax receipt will be sent to you in January of next year.

Please contact Rachel at with any questions you might have.
Thank you for your support! Wear your tie with pride!