You’ve seen it: churches collapsing under scandal, a political system torn apart by incivility, and cultural forces bent on eradicating Christian values from the public square. It’s not the most cheerful year-end report, but it’s the world into which we are called to make a difference.
Here at the John Jay Institute, today’s trending topic never ends with despair, however. We are resolved amidst the fog of chaos to look beyond the temporal to the eternal.
Our fellowship programs stand on the belief that truth is timeless. We know that moral, spiritual, and cultural transformation takes time and that, while raising up leaders will take time, it’s worth every bit of our energy and effort.
We know you agree that our hope rests in Christ and in the ultimate renewal of God’s creation whatever the electoral outcome in 2020, and we know this moment isn’t unique. We’ve been here before. And while we will never be able to bring heaven to earth, we’re committed to entering the public square with clear eyes and confidence. We will not shrink back in fear.
Since 2005, the John Jay Institute has equipped more than 800 Christian men and women for lives of faithful service. It’s a vital mission that you make possible, and we are writing to say thank you and to ask for your help in deploying the next wave of fellows to their stations of service.
A $50,000 Year-End Challenge
With much prayer, we’re asking God to provide an additional $50,000 in critical year-end support to underwrite fellowships of young people following the call to engage the culture with truth and grace. While this may seem like an extraordinary sum, Rachel and I have watched Him provide beyond “anything we could ask or imagine” in the past and know He can do so again. Would you take a moment to consider how you might be able to help us meet this essential year-end challenge? You can make a one-time donation or sign up to be a monthly supporter here.
Together, we affirm our belief that our ultimate hope lies not in politics, but in our Lord Jesus Christ. We wish you and yours a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.