Protests. SAfe spaces. In the midst of it all, John Jay Institute alumni stand for truth in education.
Jonathan Teubner
As bright young Christian scholars consider careers in academia, many anticipate tension with colleagues or administrators who don't respect their beliefs. But it is going a step further to seek to thrive: to play a vital role in educating the next generation of college students, giving them the grounding in ideas, history, and humility to prepare them for adulthood.
In this impact snapshot, we speak with Jonathan Teubner, who even before the Charlottesville events of 2017 was working there to address the beliefs and conflicts that shape communities around the world. We catch up with Janice Chik Breidenbach, who splits her time between Oxford University and Ave Maria University and experiences the difference between religious and secular higher education. And we listen in on conversations between Marty Manor Mullins, Caleb Verbois, Nali Hilderman, Aaron Walter, Ján Baňas, Thomas Bell, and David Tomkins about preparing for and engaging the permanent things in a university context.
Community and a Culture of Learning
Dr. Janice Chik Breidenbach talks about splitting her time between Ave Maria University and University of Oxford.
Academia and the Permanent Things
A conversation with four alumni professors on truth in education.
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