Dr. Megan Brand

Program Director: Gillam Manor Campus

Megan Brand is a scholar of international relations and comparative public law. She received her PhD in Politics from Princeton University, where she wrote on the strategic development of international refugee law. She has been a Thomas W. Smith Postdoctoral Research Associate at the James Madison Program at Princeton University, a Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer at the Christopher Browne Center for International Politics at the University of Pennsylvania, and a Morgenthau Fellow at the Notre Dame International Security Center.

Dr. Brand holds an MSc in Forced Migration from the University of Oxford, an MSc in Middle East Politics from the School of Oriental and African Studies, and BS in Economics and BA in Political Science from her hometown area, Arizona State University. She has been a Marshall Scholar, Truman Scholar, National Security Education Program Boren Scholar, Simon Fellow for Noble Purpose, Witherspoon Fellow, and Critical Language Scholar. Prior to doctoral studies, she worked as a consultant to UNHCR’s Division of International Protection and in philanthropic strategy for AmPhil. She writes about civil society for outlets like Law and Liberty and Front Porch Republic

Dr. Brand lives with her family in central New Jersey.