Aaron Cliff
Spring 2023 John Jay Fellow
Hometown: Fort Wayne, IN
College: Cairn University
Degree: B.S. Education/Secondary Social Sciences; Minor in Bible
Upon stumbling through High School at ICS of Hong Kong, Aaron completed two years of bible college; the first year at WOLBI South Korea and the second at WOLBI New York. After completing these Cum Laude, Aaron travelled down the way to Philadelphia to complete a B.S. in Education Secondary Social Sciences, with his bible school credits floating a Bible Minor. While an undergraduate, Aaron was the leader of OTW, a travelling admissions and worship team and was also involved in the History Club, Team Pump, Kensington Outreach, Bible Study, Souder Housing Community, Advanced Jazz Ensemble and i'mechoes, a multi discipline creative which has released several albums. Aaron graduated in 2020 Cum Laude and moved to the frozen corn fields of Indiana to escape the viral outbreak in the cities.
While in exile in the swamplands-turned-soyfields, Aaron joined Calder the Band and completed their sophomore album, Shape Up and started/completed his own album, Wellness Days. In parallel, Aaron also started a philosophy club, ministered to the flock as worship leader for his local church, and began working at the local homeless shelter as a Life House Coordinator. During this pilgrimage Aaron has learned several important skills, such as de-escalation, gratefulness, leadership, human dignity, wrangling with venues over monitor volume, joy and narcan administration.
Aaron looks to continue his education, and to get his masters in Divinity.