Daniel Mainieri, III

Spring 2023 John Jay Fellow

Hometown: Sellersville, PA
College: Patrick Henry College
Degree: B.A., Government

Dan Mainieri, III earned a BA degree in American Politics and Policy from Patrick Henry College. During his time there, he was first introduced to many of the most famous political theorists of the western world including his favorite, Edmund Burke. 

While attending classes, he was very involved in extracurricular activities including debate team, mock trial team, and the college choral. He is most proud of the work he achieved while serving as a Student Senator for all four years. As Chairman of the Rules Committee, Dan helped to rewrite the Student Government Code and Constitution as well as establishing a Student Activity Fee. 

In his senior year, he was elected Speaker of the Student Senate and presided over the passage of legislation that purchased outside benches for students, equipment for the baseball team, an expansion of gym equipment, and funding for students to attend the March For Life in Washington D.C. 

Before attending John Jay, he worked as a field organizer for the Pennsylvania Republican Party. He was responsible for recruiting, training, and organizing volunteers to do tasks including door knocking and phone calls in an effort to help get Republican candidates elected during the 2022 election. 

In his freetime, he enjoys spending time with his family, serving in the choir at his church and traveling both across the country and abroad. He has been to several European countries including the United Kingdom, Germany and Austria. Some of his favorite memories included visiting the German Bundestag and sitting in on a session of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.  

When his time at the John Jay Institute ends, he hopes to continue serving in local politics by working for his home county of Bucks or becoming an advocate for a cause he is passionate about including Alzheimer’s research and prevention. He is currently a candidate for his hometown school board in the upcoming election and also serves as Majority Inspector of Elections for his voting precinct.

Read about the other Spring 2023 John Jay Fellows