EMily Lataif

2017 John Jay Fellow

Hometown:     Rome, Georgia

College:           University of Dallas

Degree:            B.A. English

Emily Lataif is a 2016 graduate of the University of Dallas, receiving her B.A. in English Literature.  The oldest of seven, she was raised in Rome, Georgia.

While at the University of Dallas, she founded UD's Anscombe Society, a club dedicated to promoting sexual integrity and a healthy marriage and family culture.  She also helped lead the Crusaders for Life club and wrote and edited for the campus newspaper.  At graduation, she was awarded the Helen Corbitt Award recognizing an outstanding senior man and woman.

College internship opportunities at the Susan B. Anthony List, the Heritage Foundation, and the George W. Bush Presidential Library, developed in Emily an interest in public policy.  Emily worked as a research assistant on the House of Representative’s Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, a congressional committee investigating aborted fetal tissue procurement and trafficking and late-term abortion practices.

She enjoys learning more about her Catholic faith, listening to NPR,and traveling - especially to England.  Emily looks forward to promoting conservative principles in the public and private sector, particularly the right to life.

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