Gloriana (Glory) Duran
Spring 2022 John Jay Fellow
Hometown: Pasadena, CA
College: Biola University
Degree: B.A. in Political Science
Gloriana Duran graduated from Biola University magna cum laude in May of 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. She also graduated from the Torrey Honors College, Biola’s great books program, where she studied philosophy, theology and literature. Extensive reading and the deep analysis of the Constitution and the Federalist Papers ignited a passion for Constitutional Law, particularly as it relates to the legislative process.
After graduation, Gloriana became the Right to Life League of Southern California’s first Legislative Intern. In that role, she tracked and analyzed abortion-related bills introduced in the California State Assembly and Senate. At Right to Life, she helped develop and maintain the Pro-Life Advocates website, an informational resource for all pending abortion-related bills. She was inspired by how the Right to Life attorneys integrated their firmly held beliefs with their important work as advocates for the unborn.
Gloriana is excited for the opportunity to participate in the John Jay Fellowship as she believes the program will help to mold her into the person God intends her to be.