Amini Nkere

Fall 2024 John Jay Fellow

Hometown: Baltimore, MD
College: Ave Maria University
Degree: B.A. in History

Amini Nkere joins the John Jay Institute from Baltimore, Maryland, where she was raised by immigrant parents from Congo and France. Her upbringing instilled in her a deep appreciation for her heritage and values such as family, intellect, and charity.

Amini earned her B.A. in History from Ave Maria University, where she actively engaged in academic and historical research, and expanded her knowledge in cultural studies. Her passion for international development grew during this time. At Ave Maria, she was involved in various extracurricular activities including the Environmental Club (Keepers of His Kingdom) and the Women in Business Club. She dedicated most of her time however, to volunteering with the Mother Teresa Program, supporting underserved communities in Miami and Immokalee, Florida.

Additionally, Amini contributed to her university by working with the Information Technology Department and Humanities Department, acquiring valuable skills that continue to benefit her today. As a member of the AMU Cheerleading Team, she played a pivotal role in elevating school spirit and fostering strong connections within the AMU community. Her involvement extended beyond cheerleading routines to include meaningful interactions with alumni, children, and various groups within the community, enriching the overall AMU experience for everyone involved. She also participated in campus activities that would better serve her professional interests such as volunteering for the Ron DeSantis reelection campaign and supporting the Debate Club.

Academically, Amini found fulfillment in exploring diverse facets of history, particularly focusing on cultural landscapes that persist today. As previously noted, one of Amini's core passions lies in charity and the importance of the family. During her summers, she actively volunteered and engaged with children wherever possible. A particularly impactful experience was her time at the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, where she lived with and mentored students academically and personally. These experiences profoundly enhanced her understanding and compassion for the challenges faced by children locally and globally, an issue she is committed to addressing in her future pursuits.

Outside of her academic and volunteer commitments, Amini enjoyed reading historical fiction, trying new recipes, pilates, and spending time with friends—a set of hobbies/interests she maintains to this day.

Amini's diverse educational background and cultural experiences have inspired her to pursue a career in international development, with a focus on influencing laws and policies that impact children and families. The John Jay Institute not only excels as a center for intellectual enrichment but also holds profound significance for Amini's spiritual journey. She looks forward to learning alongside and being challenged by accomplished leaders who are dedicated to making a meaningful impact in their communities guided by Christian faith. Following her time at the institute, she plans to prepare for graduate school to further her education and career aspirations.

 Read about the other Fall 2024 John Jay Fellows