Mia Pope

Fall 2024 John Jay Fellow

Hometown: Canton, OH
College: Malone University
Degree: B.A. in Political Science, Minor in Psychology

Mia Pope was born in Ohio but spent 6 years of her early childhood in California, where she attended an enrichment school that focused on the arts and cross cultural duo-lingual primary education. After moving back to Ohio, Mia was active in theater, cheerleading, bowling, and several other clubs and organizations. In 2020, Mia graduated from Louisville High School and was inducted into the National Society of High School Scholars. Upon graduation, Mia received the Aultman Leadership Award/Scholarship. 

Mia was very involved in her local church throughout her childhood and attended several Christian youth conferences, helped orchestrate children’s bible studies, and even led a summer camp experience. Life experiences generated a genuine passion in Mia about helping people through advocating for public policy.   

Mia continued her education at Malone University where she participated in experiential learning in Washington DC. While in DC she was able to get a multidimensional view of advocacy groups and became a policy intern for the National Immigration Forum. Mia was awarded the Silk Endowed Scholarship in her Junior and Senior year for her outstanding academic record and Political Science involvement.  

Putting into action her passion for victim advocacy, Mia interned at the Domestic violence women's shelter. In her senior year at Malone, Mia interned at the local Republican Headquarters where she gained experience in local campaigns, public speaking, and worked closely with Ohio's top GOP candidates.  Mia graduated with honors in 2024 with a degree in Political Science and a minor in Psychology from Malone University. Mia was inducted into Pi Alpha Sigma- the National Political Honors Society. After graduation Mia participated in a service learning trip to Brazil where she assisted in mission outreach to the people of the Sao Pao region.   After leaving the John Jay Fellowship, Mia intends to pursue graduate school studying a joint program in law and public administration and work within the cross section of law and policy.

Read about the other Fall 2024 John Jay Fellows