Ryley Garrido

Fall 2024 John Jay Fellow

Hometown: Virginia Beach, VA
College: Regent University
Degree: B.A. in Government; M.A. in American Government

Originally hailing from central Pennsylvania, Ryley Garrido now lives in Virginia Beach, where he studies Government as an MA student at Regent University. He already holds a BA in Government from Regent, where he graduated cum laude from the Honors Program. Ryley was active in various university clubs and programs as an undergraduate, completing a fellowship with the Center for Christian Thought and Action and participating in the Lincoln Reading Program, Koch Leaders Program, and Intramural Sports Board. He also founded The Boardroom, a tabletop gaming club for students to be able to play a wide range of games with fellow students and professors. 

Outside of Regent, Ryley has participated in internships with the Family Research Council and The Family Foundation of Virginia, complementing his academic pursuits with practical experience in policy, government affairs, and grassroots activity. Most recently, he was a Shaftesbury Fellow at the Center for Religion, Culture, and Democracy, where he researched Anglican political thought and enjoyed many good tacos. He also participated in the CRCD’s 2023 Savannah Seminar where he learned about religion, culture, and democracy through the lens of Savannah via its churches, art, and cemetery.

After John Jay, Ryley will finish up his MA thesis and degree and possibly pursue doctoral work. He hopes to work in secondary or higher education. Whatever his future holds, he hopes to be able to discuss the great ideas of western civilization with students to help equip future generations to be able to wrestle with ideas while standing on the shoulders of giants.

In addition to his professional and scholarly pursuits, Ryley enjoys reading, watching movies (primarily the classics), playing tabletop games (such as Monopoly, which he has over 50 of, Clank!, and Mille Borne), cooking (and eating) Cuban food, learning how to play his ukulele and mandolin, and bonding with John Jay alumni over obscure 90s Christian bands like Burlap to Cashmere.

While Ryley is looking forward to the extensive reading and learning he will be doing at John Jay, he is most looking forward to the community aspect of the program, including doing morning and evening prayer, hosting teas, and other communal activities.

Read about the other Fall 2024 John Jay Fellows